Freedom vs. Safety

I honestly don’t really know what to think about Snowden’s defiance.  For the fact that I see both sides of the argument.  For instance, I believe that it is wrong to hack our government and release government secrets, or what could possibly be dangerous to our national security.  So for that reason I do not agree with Snowden’s defiance and am against him doing that.

            On the other hand what we have found out from that is concerning too.  The fact that the government can track our phone calls and duration kind of concerned me.  After finding out that the NSA goes further than that and goes through our personal emails and phones is scary.  I don’t like that they have the power to do that.  What also makes me mad is that they are going through all our private stuff but how many terrorist acts/ attacks have been stopped by all this? 1, and it was a cab driver giving $8,500 dollars to Al-Qaida.  Seriously….  Obviously the government doesn’t need to monitor us as closely as they think.  So for now knowing what Snowden did by his defiance of our government I like that side of knowing how much the government can find out about us.

In comparison to what Cap did in the movie, I feel like in the movie there is a definite right answer on where to draw the line and what is justified.  I feel like Cap’s choice was clearly right/ justified because innocent people were going to die if he did stop Shield/Hydra.  In Snowden’s case it’s hard to tell whether his acts were justified or not.  I would probably say that his decision was not justified for the fact that he could’ve sacrificed our national security and put us in danger.  By making these documents public/ handing them over to journalists, he made it more likely to put us in danger not get us out and for that reason I think Snowden act wasn’t justified.

            I would say Cap and Black Widow are whistle blowers.  I think they are necessary in some cases.  I would deem whistle blowers necessary when it can affect the lives of many others.  If you are whistle blowing to save people’s lives it is necessary or when people are being cheated.

            I believe that we can never be truly free and be fully safe.  You have to compromise a little on each side.  You have to give up some freedom to be safe but the safety shouldn’t intrude too much into your personal life.


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