
Waid discussed how Superman is often thought of as a selfless person.  He’s always looking out for the greater good and tries to do the right thing.  But a question was asked that made him think a lot deeper about Superman.  He was asked “Why does Superman do what he does?”  After much thought he realized or believes that superman does it because he is selfless because of his moral type upbringing but it’s also because of his own self-interest.  He does helps others because it helps him to be truly who he is by using his strength and powers.

            This often is the case in people’s lives today, you may not realize it right away but I believe that it is true.  I see this in my own life when it comes to volunteer work, especially if it’s for a special cause.  When it comes to volunteer work for the church, part of the reason I do it is because I genuinely want to help but it can also be a little bit because of my self-interest.  The self interest in this case is that it helps me to feel good about myself and have more self-esteem about being a good person.  I think that is what we gain from helping others in most cases is just the sense of doing good.  Another possible gain is recognition.  In high school we had to have 40 hours of community service if I remember right, so that may be another reason that we help others.

            Are there truly selfless acts?  I would say yes to that question.  As a Christian I would first point to Jesus.  What he did was a truly selfless act.  It wasn’t to get recognition or to feel good about himself, he died to save the human race and those who believe in him.  I do still think that normal humans can do selfless acts too.  Jesus isn’t the only person to be able to do selfless acts in my opinion.  I would say it is harder for us to do selfless acts but not impossible.


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